Exhibition catalogue, Hello Yellow Glove. New Drawings, Paris, 2012 Editions Steidl / Galerie Templon, 2012ISBN 978-3-86930-484-764 pages
Text by Ann Hindry Editions Galerie Templon, 2005ISBN 2-9523914-0-864 pages
Exhibition catalogue, Carcasses, Galerie Templon, Paris, 2006Interview with Christian Bernard Editions Galerie Templon, 200656 pages
Monograph, Works 1975-2010, 2011Texts by Okwui Enwezor, Toni Morrison, Ford Morrison and Hal Foster (English) Editions Damiani, 2011ISBN 978-88-6208-186-3Hardcover, 31 x 30 cm316 pages
Exhibition catalogue, Upright sculptures, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris, 2010Interview with Tim Marlow Editions Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris / Annely Juda Fine Art, London / Mitchell-Innes & Nash, New York, 2010ISBN 1-904621-38-4127 pages
Exhibition catalogue, Belgique, Galerie Templon, Paris, 2015Foreword by Philippe Van Cautere; Text by Bernard Marcelis Exhibited artists: Michaël Borremans, Peter Buggenhout, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Thierry De Cordier, Wim Delvoye, Jan fabre, Hans Op De Beeck, Luc Tuymans, Jan Van Imschoot Edition Galerie Templon, 2015ISBN 978-2-917515-19-8 64 pages
Exhbition catalogue, Hommage à Georg Baselitz, Galerie Templon, Paris (France), 1993 Editions Galerie Templon, 1993 Soft cover, 21 x 28 cm6 pages
Exhibition catalogue, Préludes et après ludes, Galerie Templon, Paris, 2004 Text by Edouard GlissantEditions Galerie Templon, 200464 pages
Exhibition catalogue, Jusqu'ici, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris, 2007Texts by Valerio Adami and Pascal Quignard; Poems by Michel Deguy Editions Galerie Daniel Templon, 200764 pages
Exhibition catalogue, Racine carrée de fragments, Galerie Templon, Paris, 2000 Text by Catherine Millet Editions Galerie Templon, 2000 32 pages
Exhibition catalogue, Accumulation 1960 - 1964, Galerie Daniel Templon, Paris, 2016 Text by Nicolas Bourriaud Editions Galerie Daniel Templon, 201664 pages
Monograph, Le seul état de mes idées 1, 2006Selected texts by Jean-Michel Alberola (French) Editions Ereme, 2006ISBN 9-782915-337143Hard cover, 20 x 26 cm208 pages
Monograph, Tableaux, 2016Texts: Claire Stoullig ; conversation with Catherine Grenier (French) Editions Flammarion, 2016ISBN 978-2-0813-3722-0Hard cover, 23,5 x 30,5 cm240 pages
Interview with Daniel Templon Text by Julie Verlaine, Daniel Templon (English) Editions Flammarion, 2016ISBN 978-2-9175-1523-5Softcover, 16,5 x 23,5 cm416 pages
Monograph, Espejos y Espejismos – Mirror and Mirages, 2017Text by Manuel Cirauqui (English and Spanish) Editions Manuel Cirauqui, 2nd edition, 2017ISBN 978-2-917515-28-0Hardcover, 28 x 30 cm288 pages Includes CD and biographical diagram. This book has received the support of Galerie Templon
Interview with Daniel TemplonText by Julie Verlaine, Daniel Templon (English)Editions Flammarion, 2016ISBN 978-2-9175-1523-5Softcover, 16,5 x 23,5 cm416 pages
Exhibition catalogue, Les années 1980, Galerie Templon, Paris (France), 2016Interview with Alfred Pacquement (English and French) Editions Galerie Templon, 2016ISBN 978-2-917515-22-8Hardcover, 24 x 30 cm64 pages
Exhibition catalogue, Fugitive, Haus der Kunst, München (Germany), 2016Texts by Okwui Enwezor, Caleb Smith, Brian Wallis (English) Editions Prestel, 2016ISBN 978-3-7913-5541-2Hardcover, 26 x 31cm226 pages
Published on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Pierre et Gilles’ careerText by Eric Troncy (French version) Editions Flammarion, 2016ISBN 978-2-08-020280-2Harcover 24,5 x 30,5 cm 400 pages
Published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the galleryTexts: Interview with Catherine Grenier (English, French) Editions Galerie Templon, 2016ISBN 978-2-917515-22-8Hardcover 19,5 x 23,5 cm960 pages
Exhibition catalogue, Pirate Heart, Galerie Templon, Paris (France), 2016Poems by Enrique Juncosa (English, French and Spanish) Editions Galerie Templon, 2016ISBN 978-2-917515-26-6Soft cover, 23,5 x 29 cm72 pages
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